Sky Burial Ritual In Mongolia


         Rarely we heard people talk about Mongolia. Even though this country are not as glorious like other country but still it got their own and unique features. It naturally makes them looks special compared to other country. Whether it is about their creed, their culture, food, clothing and so on. While some people were still talking about how Mongolia were always forgotten, as the country were sandwiched between Russia and China, they overlooked one thing about Mongolia that are so interesting, unique and bizarre for myself which is about the sky burial after death in Mongolia. There used to be few Tv stations showed about the uniqueness of their culture but there are still a lot of people who does not exposed to this information of the culture. 

        In each country or even district, there sure be some differences in having a burial ritual. Mongolia is a no exception for it as the burial ritual or Tibetians were so freaking horrify. It is already inheritable quite a long time ago and the sky burial ceremony are still there until now but the frequency has decreased. 

The process of breaking up the body
       This burial ritual were known as sky burial and it has been done by the community in Qinhai, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and Mongolia. After death, the remains will be left untouched for three days. Before the day of the sky burial, the remains will be cleaned and wrapped with a white cloth. It will be positioned in a fetal positions in which the person had been born. This ritual usually held after dawn. During the ritual, they will be starting with chanting and  after that the body breakers will be preparing the consumption of the body by the vultures. The first cut is made on the back of the body and hatchets and cleavers are used to quickly cut the body up in a definite and precise way. The horrify things begins when the flesh is cut into chunks of meat and the internal organs are cut into pieces. Bones are smashed into splinters. 
The remains body were cut at the back

        During the process of the breaking up the body, a group of an ugly and enormous birds keep circling around them. They are waiting for their feast. After the body were completely breaks, the birds scattered around and eat , and grabbing their food. 

The birds are having their feast

Chanting on the burial ritual.

Ugly and enormous birds are having their feast

A short video of sky burial ritual in Mongolia.

The reasons why the sky burial is chosen and held by the community in Mongolia :

* Geographical condition
They choose to do the horrify kind of funeral because of the geographical condition that they had which they live in a high, rocky place and less of woods that not allowing them to bury the deceased or even burned them. 

* The beliefs of their Budhism religions
The community in Mongolia believe and understood the Buddhist Vajrayana traditions as channel grounds. They believe that the corpse is nothing more than an empty vessels. The spirits or the souls has exited the body to be reincarnated into another circle of life after death. 

There are some people said that the community are usually vegetarians and not a meat eater. That is why they used the remains of the dead for a feast of the birds. Then, the remains were likely to be a good person by continuously doing a good deed by feeding other creatures in this worlds.  




*Atika, N. (n.d). Sky Burial: Pemakaman Langit di Tibet.  Retrieved from

*Hidayat , A. (n.d). Pemakaman Langit Ala Tibet: Jenazah Dibiarkan Saja Habis Dimakan    Burung Bangkai. Retrieved from http://kamar-

*N, A. (n.d). Ritual Pemakaman Langit Yang Mengerikan di Tibet. Retrieved from
*Sankhyaadi, A. (2014, Mei 6). Intip Pemakaman Langit Di Tibet Bikin Jantung Berdegup    Kencang. Retrieved from

- Syathirah Hanim Bt Azman-
- 161422945 - 

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